Monday, December 17, 2007

The End of Privacy

The End of Privacy

I am beginning with three assumptions:

1. That anything that has been digitized on any network that is not encrypted is accessible by government investigators.

2. That anything that has been digitized on any network that is not encrypted can be accessed and or sold to any corporation in order to sell you things.

3. That anything that has been digitized on any network that is not encrypted can be stolen by criminals for various malicious ends.

Basically, what
is happening is an assault is your privacy. There are various dangers these assumptions imply, and I think that you will fear one over the other depending on your own individual makeup. Over the next few days, I am going to explain what i feel are the three best strategies for dealing with the current reality.

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TheGeek said...

I knew I should have started a blog sooner! I own the domain name, but you have my blog name! I'm trying to start a home based business to go along with the private tutoring I've been doing. Since you haven't made any new entries in 3 years, would you consider letting it go?
